Naše kolekce

The collection that starts it all. Our first collection. 

CULTO MOMENTS brings thoughtfully designed concrete accessories, from a jewelry box to a laptop stand, to a bird feeder. Items that commonly surround us, designed to invite their owners to a moment of calm after a hectic day. 

We live in a time when it seems that moments are passing too quickly. Each of our pieces is created with the idea of conscious living, whether it's the moment when you slowly take off your jewelry in the evening, or the moment when you stop to admire the natural beauty and simplicity of the concrete surface. 

CULTO MOMENTS emphasizes the value of a slow pace of life and mindful living in contrast to the hectic rhythm of modern times. It forms a kind of bridge that offers the opportunity to stop, breathe, and appreciate the everyday moments that might otherwise go unnoticed. They bring an experience that can be mediated by authentic, thoughtful design. 

Be here and now, in your home, in the space.

What exciting plans are next?

At the beginning of everything was the search for the simplest shape, perfect in balance between function and form. We sketched, modeled, printed, turned, discussed, erased, and remodeled. We had a clear vision of the goal: highly modular and smart furniturecomposed of compatible segments with an unusual design, handcrafted from noble concrete.

Pieces of furniture, thanks to their durability and variability, will be passed down in families from generation to generation. We went through dozens of blind alleys before reaching our goal: CULTO ELEMENTS.

Our aim is to create a comprehensive system of parts that perfectly adapts to the needs and changes of human life.

revolutionary building material with a negative carbon footprint revolutionary building material with a negative carbon footprint, that transforms the approach to design and construction.

Its unikátní složení, kombinující drcené konopné pazdeří a vápenné pojivo, z něj činí nejen ekologicky šetrný, ale také esteticky atraktivní materiál. Konopí jako obnovitelná biosurovina a vápenec jako rozšířená hornina představují základní kameny udržitelné budoucnosti a naší kolekce CULTO HEMP.

What really makes hemp concrete exceptional is its lightness compared to traditional concrete. This characteristic opens up new possibilities in interior and product design, where the weight of the material is crucial.

Collections ELEMENTS and HEMP will be unveiled the collection in the spring, but you can explore a small sample at our exhibition at Lemarket, will we see you there?

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